Andrew’s Podcast: 50 WAYS TO SUCCEED AT WORK
A weekly podcast of 50 Ways to Succeed At Work for school leavers, Uni grads, anyone starting work and those who have worked for a few years. Each week’s episode ends with straightforward suggestions for action and is designed for easy listening. Episodes deal with work issues seldom mentioned in joining documentation, handbooks and other support material. Andrew’s wide-ranging work experience delivers help and insight for those wanting to succeed at work. Visit the website to access the podcast transcripts and learn about e-learning courses. There’s also a book: Happiness At Work, visit
Monday Dec 26, 2022
EPISODE 26 (50) COME CLEAN - how and why cover ups can be career-damaging
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Andrew looks in some depth at this critical issue than can impact your ability to succeed at work.He introduces quotes from Michael Jordan and a successful entrepreneur to show how success can stem from learning from failure. He also looks at how minor mistakes can lead to big disasters, as in a Nasa probe that went wrong, by using two different scales of measurement.His main message is don't try and hide your mistakes at work, everyone makes them. What matters is how you deal with them. That includes admitting them and not hoping that no one will notice. Also the importance of taking steps to rectify an error and reassuring your colleagues what you are doing to avoid a repeat in the future.Despite the horrible name mistakes at work generally acquire, they can still sometimes prove a good friend. Though it will be unwelcome, your mistake at work could signal where you may need to learn or improve.
Andrew admits that hiding or not admitting to your gaffes can be tempting. You may hope and pray that it may never catch up with you to damage your prospects.
Beware, he warns! In most organisations, the big mistakes and even small ones almost always surface at some stage.
When you cover up your mistakes, and they get discovered, your colleagues and senior colleagues might never trust you again.
If the mistake is down to you, take ownership of it by the three most crucial damage limitation steps. Andrew then spells out what to do about it.Choose carefully he suggests, between coming clean soon or staying silent and paying the price. When in doubt, breathe, ramp up your courage and come forward sooner rather than later.
All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” observed the talented Benjamin Franklin, inventor of the lightning conductor.
Since you’re listening to my Podcasts, says Andrew in this latest Podcast., you’re certainly not planning to fail.
He proposes that you create a Personal Development Plan (PDP) as an important route to success at work.A PDP is your route map for growing and developing during your working life. It’s a pathway to success.
Is it worth the hassle of devising one asks Andrew? Consider some of the benefits he suggests. These include:
A clear statement of your chosen goals
Clarity on when you’ve reached these goals.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses systematically.
Makes you more employable.
To sum up, your PDP offers the best possible chance for success and maximises your potential.The first crucial question for a PDP is: “What are my goals? What do I want to achieve?”
Your answers, which you record, may cover a year or a lifetime. What matters is the action of setting down your wishes or your intentions.
Setting down your goals in this way has a known yet powerful effect. It starts to influence your life. The second crucial question for your PDP is: “What do I mean by success?
Faced with this challenge of the meaning of success, some people prefer to give it a miss. Others may bounce right back with clear answers. What will be your reaction?The most critical part of your PDP is its ability to guide you in spotting essential training and development opportunities. Grab them while they exist. You are the best judge of training and whether it takes you further towards your PDP goals or not. Also, treat training at work as a never-ending journey, not a single event.Why not listen to the Podcast again to get a firmer feel for follow-through action at www.50Ways.siteYou'll also learn how to obtain the relevant e-learning mobile unit to consolidate your learning further.All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Dec 12, 2022
EPISODE 24 (50) HANDBOOK HAPPY - study any new employee notes or handbooks
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Andrew describes the famous Nordstrom handbook, which is one page, as commendably short. It's a myth, says Andrew, but their heart is in the right place.Like other employers, Nordstrom has to abide by all kinds of regulations. That's part of why you receive the handbook. It should explain the background and culture of the organisation.Handbooks share the rules and expectations your organisation must follow and why you need to know about some of them. In particular, a handbook should help you understand how the organisation works and its culture. So Andrew's message is that using the handbook or any induction notes are windows into the organisation. It should also help you appreciate what the employer expects of you. And it should also make clear its values. All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Dec 05, 2022
EPISODE 23 (50) BE A CHANGE MAKER - not change loser
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
In this episode, Andrew explains that Change-Makers are people who, often against the odds, keep making positive things happen. They have a vision of how things should be and keep pushing to bring it alive.Not everyone at work will be keen on change, says Andrew. He suggests that you need to become change friendly or a change maker to succeed at work. This is much better than being a change loser. You need to choose one or the other.The more proactive you can be in supporting change efforts, Andrew says, the more likely you'll be regarded as effective at work.When you're a change-maker you seek positive and valuable change. This helps you build positive workplace relationships with colleagues, which is a major part of succeeding at work.
Knowing about change and how you can support it has another spinoff. It can strengthen how you adapt to new work situations.
To those in charge, your adaptability conveys your professionalism and reliability. Your positive reactions show people they trust you to assist when changes must happen.
It’s sensible not to be overambitious about your personal ability to affect change. Equally, it’s a mistake to assume that you’re helpless to influence it and are bound to lose out.
As a change-maker, you’re proactive, not merely reactive.
Andrew points out that your adverse reactions to change could label you a change loser—someone who moans about change and resists it.He describes how change makers and change losers sound at work.The more proactive you can be in supporting change efforts, the more likely you’ll be regarded as effective at work. So, which of these two types of responders, Change-Makers or Change-Losers, are you likely to be? Andrew suggests what you need to do to be seen as a Change-Maker which can enhance your chances of success at work.All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Nov 28, 2022
EPISODE 22 (50) BEING AN ASTUTE ADAPTOR - why it pays to go with the flow
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Andrew explains that it takes nearly half an hour after being interrupted at work to get back into the flow.As part of being a success at work, he urges, take advantage of what we know about being adaptable. That another way of talking about flow and the importance of dealing with interruptions with destroy flow.There are many benefit at work from going with the flow and Andrew describes several of them, such as you get more done in less time.There are some simple steps to stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances and stay in the flow. Andrew explains, for example, that establishing a clear goal can help you remain adaptable.He offers other suggestions and as usual, ends the podcast with three basic actions you can take right away. All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
In this latest episode, Andrew talks about the power of saying no at work, but that you have to be careful in how you do that.In numerous workplaces, you will face a choice, whether to speak up and say "no" or risk damaging your career. Sometimes it may even mean having the courage to say no to going along with corruption, fraud or some aspects of treating people with disrespect.For most of us says Andrew, saying no at work does not come naturally. We feel bad for disappointing a colleague or guilty about turning down a boss.You don't want to be seen as a "No" person explains AndrewAndrew goes on to suggest ways in which you can say "no" responsibly. One way for instance is to refer to current priorities. Basing your "no" on priorities can prevent you from becoming swamped by demands.An important step is to review carefully requests for your help as on closer inspection they may prove to be more complex and time-consuming than expected.Andrew ends the Podcasts as usual, by proposing three practical actions and a simple Takeaway.All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
According to Andrew, in this week's Podcast, over 60% of calls and meetings at work tend to be unscheduled or begin in unpredictable ways.You may not even realise that you are under excessive pressure. But the signs will almost certainly be there, such as unexpected colds, minor illnesses or perhaps severe infections.These can all damage your effectiveness. What is missing? It's deliberately making time and space for yourself and including others at work. You know something is not correct when people at work say things like:
"I need space to think that over."
"Too pushed right now to make this decision."
"Now's not the right time to deal with this."
Take such boundary warnings seriously, urges Andrew.Those who need space could be your allies if you let them. Let them realise that you get the picture and calmly respond to their warning signs. For example, saying, "OK, I see now's not a good time; let's talk later."Once you're on the lookout for these signs, use this awareness to help colleagues think through things by offering help and support. It would help if you looked after yourself too, by making your own space and giving yourself time to think. Your thinking is not abstract rumination. Instead, it needs to be focused on what is happening to you and what should be the next steps.For example, you might need to walk away from work for a few hours or even days. Or you might realise that you are battling on alone and would benefit from some help from your team or a supervisor.The main takeaway from today's Podcast says Andrew is that there are increasing demands on all employees for flexibility and readiness to change. These make it essential to respect your and others' needs for space and time to think.All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Nov 07, 2022
EPISODE 19 (50) CONNECTOR - build strong work relationships
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Of the many ways to succeed at work, being a connector is up there with the best, says Andrew in this EPISODE 19.Connectors make links between individuals and groups. In the latest Podcast, Andrew suggests you should consider becoming a connector. Connectors are influential people who help create collaboration and improve problem-solving. Being a Connector takes time and effort, and you may wonder whether it’s worth it. Asking people how important relationships are at work finds most, or 77% of respondents say these are top priorities.
Connectors are powerful because what they do goes beyond brain rewards. Good connections, for example, mean better collaboration, improved problem-solving, more engagement and commitment, and making space for new ideas and innovation.
Andrew explains what you have to do to become a connector. The essential requirement is that you want to build relationships and contacts at work. More specifically, Andrew lists some ways to do this, including:
Make time for everybody, not just senior people
Build your branding, so you come across as a reliable, helpful and respectful team member
Give people a chance to know you
Great connectors seem to know everyone and are always thinking about how to help others in their network.All 50 Ways podcasts end with three actions you can take today to do better.
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Oct 31, 2022
EPISODE 18 (50) TOXIC TURNOFF - dealing with difficult work colleagues
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Andrew introduces the Triple T or Total Toxic Turnoff at work. These are people whose attitude and behaviour can drag an entire organisation through the mud. Or undermine individuals and even teams.It's essential, says Andrew, not to stay passive in the face of such people. Instead, speak up and help to mobilise action. You won't regret it, and most of your colleagues will be in your debt!How do you deal with toxic colleagues who don't quite qualify for being labelled a Triple T?Andrew says to reframe them and stop seeing them as insoluble problems. Instead, try to figure out what they offer and where all this angst is coming from.Searching for this information will help reduce your resentment about their behaviour.No matter how much you like your job, it doesn't mean that all your co-workers will be a pleasure to work with. The main point Andrew stresses are never let interpersonal problems affect your professionalism.He ends the Podcast with the usual three practical actions you can take about toxic colleagues: 1) Examine your behaviour before blaming the other person as difficult2) Communicate the issues you are having to the other person in a discreet way3) Ask a senior person for help if you can't solve the issue independently.Additional MaterialIn her book Jerks at Work, social psychologist Tessa West reveals her findings after 20 years of studying different "jerk" personality types. Understanding them is "a bit like profiling a serial killer. You need to get into your jerk's head to learn what makes them tick."She also offers a quiz to determine whether you might be the jerk at work!Other professionals who have studied the toxic jerk at work say that the worst offences of workplace culture occur because many of us are unwittingly acting out our grievances. We have long-buried wounds from our childhood. No amount of working from home (WFH) or work habits can protect you from idiots and other toxic contenders. You can't avoid encountering annoying people at work, so figure out a strategy for dealing with them.As one commentator puts it: "The bogey (wo)man is rarely as bad in person as they are in your imagination. You can WFH. But you can't hide."Reference: V.Gloskop, You can WFH, but you can't hide from jerks as work, Financial Times,
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
It makes no sense to get on the wrong side of your boss, says Andrew. But some bosses don't want to hear precisely what they should know. He says it takes bravery and cunning to keep giving the boss unwelcome news. Managing up is when you consciously work with your boss to obtain the best possible results for you, your boss and your organisation. Managing up can help you succeed at work. Sometimes, as in the case example quoted in the notes here, there's a dark side and no matter how hard you try, giving the boss unwelcome facts proves impossible. In most situations, though, you will be able to manage up. That means you establish a good relationship with your boss or supervisor. This starts by making clear the goals you will be working on.Aim to become known for taking care of agreed tasks, reviewing finished work and delivering on time. Unfortunately, it's common for inexperienced employees to present work which has not been adequately checked or well presented. Andrew closes this Podcast with the usual three action points. One must admit mistakes, accept rebukes with good grace, and thank the person for feedback. Another is to be sure to tell the boss when you go the extra mile. The overall conclusion is that a good relationship with senior colleagues is essential to your success at work, and be sure to find out what that person most wants from you in the job and be sure to deliver. Case study:The famous story of the Pinto, a car that Ford sold knowing it was faulty, is the ultimate case study of managers refusing to listen to uncomfortable feedback. Conservative estimates suggest Pinto crashes caused 500 burn deaths to people who would not have been seriously injured if the car had not burst into flames. The figure could be as high as 900.Ford knew the Pinto was a firetrap, which could have been fixed relatively cheaply.Yet the company instead paid out millions to settle damage suits out of court. It spent more millions yet lobbying against safety standards. With half a million cars rolling off the assembly lines each year, Pinto was the biggest-selling subcompact in America. The company’s operating profit on the car was fantastic. It took Ford eight years to do the right thing and modify the car because its internal “cost-benefit analysis,” which placed a dollar value on human life, said it wasn’t profitable to
Can't wait for Series 2 to run its course? Then buy Andrew's new book, published on Amazon, and there's also an Audio version.Further reading and videos: Andrew recommends some useful follow-through material which you can find for each episode at
and 50 Ways to Succeed at Work book is a standalone companion to Andrew Leigh's weekly podcasts. It's an essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years. Dip in and out and take what seems helpful.
Available now on Amazon!
An essential resource for all job starters and those at work for a few years.
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